
The Secret Ingredient to Getting Quality Readers

  How lucky I am today, because I found the TRUE way of getting QUALITY readers.  

   I know you guys are like anxious and all, but chill! Don't worry because I will reveal this secret to you at the end of this post! 

  Some of you do social bookmarking to increase traffic (Read about it here and here!). But how can you ensure that a lot of people read your post and not others? Think: Why must they read yours and not 1 million others? Unless you have a strong popularity, there is minimal chance that you're post will be even viewed by people. Your chances are even smaller when you use famous social bookmark sites like Digg.

  So what is the one true way to get quality readers? 


  It's the WORD OF MOUTH (or typing)

  What is that? Simple: Recommend your blog to a friend, stranger, person, WHATEVER! Not literally using the mouth, but more of just recommending. 


  Just chat with someone who is online and recommend it to them, or just tell your friends! Don't believe me? I'll show you PROOF!

  By sending my links on a public chatbox, I gathered quite a lot of comments in just a few minutes (but if you're already famous then I know you have more than this). 

  You know what to do now don't you?


  How true do you think this is? Comment below!!