
Social Websites to Publicize Your Blog

  Social websites play the most important role in making your blog popular. Some of them such as Facebook, Twitter, Digg, StumbleUpon and other websites can really help you improve your blog traffic. Here, I will introduce some of them to you that will help you increase your blog's number of readers.

 1) Facebook
      This is the most well-known social website on the planet! Introducing your link there will enable people all around the world to see it. Thus, it is always good to start here. You can start by getting feedback from your friends and family. They are kinder and friendly to you and you should be able to understand best from their point of view. Once you get their feedbacks and edit it to satisfy them as much as you can, it's time to take it to the next level. Make a Facebook page or group about your blog if you want. Let the public judge your blog and make your blog as close to perfect as you can.

  2) Twitter
        Being the main website for micro-blogging, of course you should post your links there! As a reminder, please do not spam Twitter and save your karma. Doing that just makes people hate your blog. Introducing and spamming is very far apart, so don't make the mistake. You can also use automated posts that connect to your blog. When you post something new, it will automatically appear at Twitter. That way, you can save a lot of time and trouble.

  3) Digg
        Here, you can publish each post you wrote to the world. To attract people using this website, you must learn to use catchy titles and good descriptions. That way, people will get interested and visit your blog for the whole thing. Once you get permanent visitors that follow you, your popularity will increase and if you keep it up, you might be one of the most followed people on Digg. Work hard, because it pays off at the end. Remember to Digg the posts of others to catch their attention.

  4) StumbleUpon
        At first, I really didn't get how StumbleUpon works. But later on, I figured it out and started using it. All you have to do is submit your website to the StumbleUpon directory, or let your readers to it. You can do so by installing a sharebar for your blog. Remember my tutorial on how to do it (You don't? Click here!)? Once you do that, there will be over 10 million people that have a chance to StumbleUpon your blog! I know it sounds impossible that your blog will be chosen, but it has helped increase my traffic! Try it out in the beginning!

3 Great Tips to Find the Right Blog Advertising Communities

  1) Find one closer to home.
       What I mean? Find a local blog advertising community. The reasons are simple: First is they use your local currency. It's better to get local currency than foreign currency and going through the trouble to convert it. Also, local blog advertising communities usually arrange blogger events for locals that you can participate. That way, you can meet other bloggers, join contests, publicize your blog and much more. Because it's local, it will be easier for you to participate in those activities. They may also provide sharing platforms where you can meet other local bloggers.

  2) Get proof that they pay.
       What's the point of joining a advertising community that doesn't really pay you? Get proof from friends or other bloggers that use that community to be sure that they really pay. The community's website may also have proof on that. Big companies like Google AdSense are usually trustable. Whatever you do, alway get proof that they pay first.

  3) Compare pay rates.
       Always get a few possible communities, then compare the rates that they pay you. It may sometimes change, but some communities are fixed. Understand their rule and regulations. Don't get overexcited when you see the quantity that they pay you in big print, because there is always a small print to it. Once you confirm the pay rates, compare them and determine the one you want. Even if some blogging communities have larger pay rates, they may be not as attentive and rarely have events. It is up to you to determine what you want as a blogger.