
10 Reasons Why You Should Use ShareThis

  First, do you even know what ShareThis is? It is a website than can help you create a share widget for visitors to share your blog/website to their friends. An example of this can be found at the top of my blog's left sidebar. Now you understand what it is, let me tell you why you SHOULD get it in this simple blog tip:

1) It can help drive traffic to your website
  Exactly! When people post to social websites about their blog, it's obviously going to get you traffic right? And when more quality visitors go to your site, your blog becomes more popular and increase in income for you!

2) It looks great
  What's better than a professional looking widget spicing up your site? The ShareThis button has such a neat and cool look, it's bound to make your blog/website look much nicer than before!

3) It's colourful
  Great colours can help make your blog/website look beautiful. Well, a spam of bright colours isn't exactly nice, but this small variety of colours can definitely help make your blog look more cheerful!

4) It doesn't drain web browsers!
  For such a great widget, it's kind of hard to believe that it doesn't drain much of browsers. But it's true! This small addition to your blog/website won't kill your browser! How great is that?

5) It doesn't take much of your blog space
  If you're worried this widget will not fit into your blog, then worry not! This widget is compact but full of awesomeness! This great widget is worth more than the space it uses!

6) It's eye-catching
  Compared to other share buttons, ShareThis has managed to shine out with minimal space usage, but simple yet eye-catching designs! Great job to designers who helped in the process of this widget!

7) It's simple to use
  Instead of going through the long process of logging on to your social website and pasting the website link, saving all that time with just one click is much more worth it! All you have to do is click the network you choose, add your message if you like, and post it! Blog authors can also use it to publicize their blog easily!

8) They help track your traffic
  Not only does ShareThis give you an awesome widget, they also offer site tracking for you! You can track the clicks you got using their system that is simple to use!

9) It's globally recognised
  This simple widget is already being used by famous sites all around the world. Now it's your turn to start being a professional!

10) It's FREE
  Alright, I know this might sound unbelievable, but all those great features for FREE? Yes, it's true. This widget is 100% free and highly recommended by bloggers all around the globe. So what are you waiting for? Go to ShareThis and get your widget now!
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