The title may seem unimportant of insignificant to you, but I think it is quite important. When should you post/publicize your blog posts? I got curious and did a survey on this at YouthSays, and here is what I found :
Why You Shouldn't Get Auto-Generated Traffic
Don't know what auto-generated traffic is? I'll tell you : it's like those
websites where they use credits systems to encourage you to visit other people's blogs/websites that are linked to them so that you can earn more credits and use them to get other people to visit you back. There was once a Nuffnanger (if you don't know what a Nuffnanger is, just take it as a blogger.) posted something about this great way to generate traffic to your blog for FREE!!
websites where they use credits systems to encourage you to visit other people's blogs/websites that are linked to them so that you can earn more credits and use them to get other people to visit you back. There was once a Nuffnanger (if you don't know what a Nuffnanger is, just take it as a blogger.) posted something about this great way to generate traffic to your blog for FREE!!
4 Widgets A Blog Should Have
Widgets have different functions for every blog. Some helps the blog writer, some interacts with the readers, some do NOTHING. Obviously, you would want widgets that help you, right? Here, I'm going to introduce a few widgets that I think are really useful to a blogger.
1) Sharebar

1) Sharebar

A sharebar is a widget that allows readers to share your blog to different social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Digg, StumbleUpon, Email and so on. Using this sharebar allows your readers to help you spread the word about your blog easily.
How to Make Readers Feel Comfortable Reading Your Blog
I've come across blogs that really make me feel uncomfortable when reading it, and decided to stop reading the post. The thing is, there were so many things that irritates a reader in that blog (which I will not mention which). I'm sure sometimes you feel the same way too when reading some blogs, right? In this post, I'll share with you how to make readers feel comfortable when reading your blog!
1) Don't put too many advertisements
It's annoying when the whole page is cramped with adverts but you cannot find the real content. Readers tend to hate this as they came to your blog for the content, not for some stupid adverts to annoy them off your blog. Please place adverts moderately and make sure that readers can see your main content. That way, readers will tend to read your adverts along with your content!
2) Tiny fonts
You know, not just old people have eyesight problems, even young people nowadays do. So please, please, please put your font BIG enough for people to read. I don't want to squint my eyes figuring out what word that is when reading a blog.
3) Too much BLARING colours
It's understandable if you want to emphasize a part on your blog and you highlight it with colours. But a whole blog filled with blaring colours? I don't think that's good. You see, sometimes the colours from the background will outshine your content and makes it hard to read.
4) Share a bit of your life
I find myself smiling at the computer screen sometimes when blog writers share a touching, heart-warming or even an embarrassing moment in their life. This makes me feel somehow connected to the blog writer and naturally makes you comfortable and want to read more.
That's about it. If you have anything you'd like to add please do in the comments section below.
1) Don't put too many advertisements
It's annoying when the whole page is cramped with adverts but you cannot find the real content. Readers tend to hate this as they came to your blog for the content, not for some stupid adverts to annoy them off your blog. Please place adverts moderately and make sure that readers can see your main content. That way, readers will tend to read your adverts along with your content!
2) Tiny fonts
You know, not just old people have eyesight problems, even young people nowadays do. So please, please, please put your font BIG enough for people to read. I don't want to squint my eyes figuring out what word that is when reading a blog.
3) Too much BLARING colours
It's understandable if you want to emphasize a part on your blog and you highlight it with colours. But a whole blog filled with blaring colours? I don't think that's good. You see, sometimes the colours from the background will outshine your content and makes it hard to read.
4) Share a bit of your life
I find myself smiling at the computer screen sometimes when blog writers share a touching, heart-warming or even an embarrassing moment in their life. This makes me feel somehow connected to the blog writer and naturally makes you comfortable and want to read more.
That's about it. If you have anything you'd like to add please do in the comments section below.
Posted by
Wong Zhiwei
Christmas Special : How to Make Falling Snowflakes Effect for Blogger
Read my last post on how to add snow scene to blogger yet? Then this post is a improved version! Not just dots now, but with newly improved SNOWFLAKE PICTURES!! Example: 
Wouldn't you love that snowflake falling everywhere around your blog? Just go to your blogger's 'design' page, click on 'add a gadget', add a 'HTML/Javascript' gadget, then paste this code to the content:
For this picture (
) use this:
<script src=""></script>
For this picture (
) use this :
<script src=""></script>
Will update more flakes under requests, just give me the picture!
Oh, and by the way...

Wouldn't you love that snowflake falling everywhere around your blog? Just go to your blogger's 'design' page, click on 'add a gadget', add a 'HTML/Javascript' gadget, then paste this code to the content:
For this picture (

<script src=""></script>
For this picture (

<script src=""></script>
Will update more flakes under requests, just give me the picture!

Credits to people who made this photo..
Your comments are much appreciated! Please leave them below!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT THIS YEAR!!
Posted by
Wong Zhiwei
Christmas Special : Falling Snow Effect for Blogger
Christmas is coming in 2 days! Naturally, you would want to spice up your blog a little for this upcoming day right? Well, the falling snow effect would be just the right thing for YOU!
How it looks like: (I used gray snow for my template because white would be hard to see.)
I spent quite a while researching how to do it, and I finally got it! But first, this is what you need: (If you're lazy to edit everything and just want the snow to be white, scroll to the bottom of this post for the easy tutorial)
1) A Javascript Editor, such as EditPlus! (Download it here! Very small only.. Don't care what is says about the free trial because it works after the trial anyway)
2) A place to upload your javascript files. (Such as Google sites. Click link and register to make a page, then click 'create a page', then click 'file cabinet'
3) Reading skills. (You won't get here without that right?)
Got all of that? Then we're ready to start!
1) Download the javascript file from
2) Open it using your Javascript Editor. Instructions on how to change the variables are in the file you downloaded. (P.S : For snow colour, you have to get the html code. Get codes for different types of colours here.)
3) Once you've edited to what you wanted, save and upload your file to your upload page. (Google Pages)
4) Copy the download link for your uploaded Javascript file.
5) Replace 'YOUR FILE DOWNLOAD LINK HERE' (below) with your download link and copy the whole code
<script src="YOUR FILE DOWNLOAD LINK HERE" type="text/javascript"></script>
6) Go to your blogger 'design' page and go to 'add a new gadget', 'HTML/JavaScript', then paste the code you copied into the empty space below the title.
7) Save and view your blog. Satisfied?
Leave you 'thank you's below at the comment box!
The Easier Way (White Snow)
Copy the following code:
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
Then go to blogger's 'design' page, 'Add a gadget', 'HTML/Javascript', and paste the code above into the empty space. Save and enjoy.
How it looks like: (I used gray snow for my template because white would be hard to see.)
I spent quite a while researching how to do it, and I finally got it! But first, this is what you need: (If you're lazy to edit everything and just want the snow to be white, scroll to the bottom of this post for the easy tutorial)
1) A Javascript Editor, such as EditPlus! (Download it here! Very small only.. Don't care what is says about the free trial because it works after the trial anyway)
2) A place to upload your javascript files. (Such as Google sites. Click link and register to make a page, then click 'create a page', then click 'file cabinet'
3) Reading skills. (You won't get here without that right?)
Got all of that? Then we're ready to start!
1) Download the javascript file from
2) Open it using your Javascript Editor. Instructions on how to change the variables are in the file you downloaded. (P.S : For snow colour, you have to get the html code. Get codes for different types of colours here.)
3) Once you've edited to what you wanted, save and upload your file to your upload page. (Google Pages)
4) Copy the download link for your uploaded Javascript file.
5) Replace 'YOUR FILE DOWNLOAD LINK HERE' (below) with your download link and copy the whole code
<script src="YOUR FILE DOWNLOAD LINK HERE" type="text/javascript"></script>
6) Go to your blogger 'design' page and go to 'add a new gadget', 'HTML/JavaScript', then paste the code you copied into the empty space below the title.
7) Save and view your blog. Satisfied?
Leave you 'thank you's below at the comment box!
The Easier Way (White Snow)
Copy the following code:
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
Then go to blogger's 'design' page, 'Add a gadget', 'HTML/Javascript', and paste the code above into the empty space. Save and enjoy.
Posted by
Wong Zhiwei
Increasing Your Chances of Getting Noticed on Social Bookmarking Sites
Everyone says that social bookmarking can generate traffic to your blog. Though it it true, what are the chances of your blog post getting noticed rather than other people? To increase your chances, gaining popularity is the way to go. But how? That's what I'm here to tell you!
1) Comment on others
To get others attention, a kind comment on their posts would help a lot. Please give sincere comments and not just asking them to go to your blog. This will be considered as spam and shall be ignored by the blog owner. True comments will be valued by the blog owner and inserting your blog link won't do any harm.
2) Bond with others
Find a way to connect to any blog owner who is very active. Have a nice chat and exchange blog posts links that interest both of you. Introduce this person to your other friends and the other person will do the same for you (ask him/her to if needed). Read my other blog post about this point here.
3) Build your popularity
Once you have done the things above, build your popularity by writing good blog posts, giving a good first impression to new visitors (Read my post about it here), keeping them and they will frequently visit your blog! Posts on social bookmarking sites that are highly visited will usually appear at the first page as a top visited post, thus will attract more people to read.
1) Comment on others
To get others attention, a kind comment on their posts would help a lot. Please give sincere comments and not just asking them to go to your blog. This will be considered as spam and shall be ignored by the blog owner. True comments will be valued by the blog owner and inserting your blog link won't do any harm.
2) Bond with others
Find a way to connect to any blog owner who is very active. Have a nice chat and exchange blog posts links that interest both of you. Introduce this person to your other friends and the other person will do the same for you (ask him/her to if needed). Read my other blog post about this point here.
3) Build your popularity
Once you have done the things above, build your popularity by writing good blog posts, giving a good first impression to new visitors (Read my post about it here), keeping them and they will frequently visit your blog! Posts on social bookmarking sites that are highly visited will usually appear at the first page as a top visited post, thus will attract more people to read.
Posted by
Wong Zhiwei
The Secret Ingredient to Getting Quality Readers
How lucky I am today, because I found the TRUE way of getting QUALITY readers.
I know you guys are like anxious and all, but chill! Don't worry because I will reveal this secret to you at the end of this post!
Some of you do social bookmarking to increase traffic (Read about it here and here!). But how can you ensure that a lot of people read your post and not others? Think: Why must they read yours and not 1 million others? Unless you have a strong popularity, there is minimal chance that you're post will be even viewed by people. Your chances are even smaller when you use famous social bookmark sites like Digg.
So what is the one true way to get quality readers?
I know you guys are like anxious and all, but chill! Don't worry because I will reveal this secret to you at the end of this post!
Some of you do social bookmarking to increase traffic (Read about it here and here!). But how can you ensure that a lot of people read your post and not others? Think: Why must they read yours and not 1 million others? Unless you have a strong popularity, there is minimal chance that you're post will be even viewed by people. Your chances are even smaller when you use famous social bookmark sites like Digg.
So what is the one true way to get quality readers?
It's the WORD OF MOUTH (or typing)
What is that? Simple: Recommend your blog to a friend, stranger, person, WHATEVER! Not literally using the mouth, but more of just recommending.
Just chat with someone who is online and recommend it to them, or just tell your friends! Don't believe me? I'll show you PROOF!
By sending my links on a public chatbox, I gathered quite a lot of comments in just a few minutes (but if you're already famous then I know you have more than this).
You know what to do now don't you?
How true do you think this is? Comment below!!
Posted by
Wong Zhiwei
4 Easy Tips to Keep Blog Readers
1) Reduce your blog's loading time
Most people tend to get frustrated if your blog does not load in 10 seconds. So, getting your blog to load in around 3-5 seconds is a good tactic in maintaining visitor's moods. They will also be slightly more patient to view your longer blog posts. If you don't, people may navigate away from your blog before they even see anything! To reduce the loading time, you should take away unnecessary widgets. I see many blogs around that have useless widgets, which means they do not satisfy the visitors anyhow or do not have any particular use.
2) Write short, simple but meaningful content
Stop twisting the story and get to the points straight away! If readers get bored at the part where you are twisting the story, they have a high chance of leaving. Add the interesting bits and just some of the boring bits. Oh, and inject some good humor too!
3) Insert (relevant) images or videos
Pictures and videos are more lifelike than just words. Colors also help a lot in this case. It soothes the eye after reading a lot of words. Please do not spam images and videos, just enough to solve the reader's boredom. Imagine you're talking about chimpanzees and you show your daughter's picture. Either you're really stupid to put such irrelevant photos, or your daughter is a chimpanzee!
4) Be interactive with readers
To make readers feel satisfied and comfortable reading your blog, you have to interact with them. This makes them feel that your blog is more real, and you can actually hear what they are saying (in this case, typing). Good feedback from readers are also very helpful for both you and the readers, so please listen to your readers!!

2) Write short, simple but meaningful content

3) Insert (relevant) images or videos
Pictures and videos are more lifelike than just words. Colors also help a lot in this case. It soothes the eye after reading a lot of words. Please do not spam images and videos, just enough to solve the reader's boredom. Imagine you're talking about chimpanzees and you show your daughter's picture. Either you're really stupid to put such irrelevant photos, or your daughter is a chimpanzee!
4) Be interactive with readers
To make readers feel satisfied and comfortable reading your blog, you have to interact with them. This makes them feel that your blog is more real, and you can actually hear what they are saying (in this case, typing). Good feedback from readers are also very helpful for both you and the readers, so please listen to your readers!!
Posted by
Wong Zhiwei
Free Blog/Website Advertising : Entrecard
Don't you wish you could just advertise your blog without spending much or no money at all? There are websites such as Google AdWords that offer such choices, but they are quite pricey. But now, introducing the FREE way to advertise, Entrecard!!
The way it works is quite simple: Sign up, submit your blog, create your logo/business card, start advertising! To advertise, you can start by browsing the different categories they have to offer. Then, choose the category that is relevant to your blog. You start of with 200 credits. To earn more, you can either drop cards to other people's blogs or wait for people to advertise on your blog. Once you get more credits, you can advertise on better blogs with more visitors. So what are you waiting for? Join today!
Posted by
Wong Zhiwei
Introducing Contextual Advertising
First of all, what is contextual advertising? Basically, this is a kind of advertising where the main website you sign up to scans your blog with a bot for keywords. If preferred keywords are found, the main website then highlights those keywords and links them to the advertiser's main page. On the other hand, you can also advertise through their website and type in your preferred keyword. That way, people who sign up and enter that keyword to their blog content, the keyword may be linked to your blog! But don't think that there are no competitors on the same keyword. Always choose your keyword wisely to reduce competition but with a sum of bloggers who may type that keyword.
Alright, now you understand the concept in contextual advertising, here are some links to let you join in contextual advertising today!
9)Tribal Fusion
As far as I know, TribalFusion has very strict requirements that you must achieve in order to participate in their program. Think you're capable? Check it out then! Personally, I recommend Kontera as i use it.
Alright, now you understand the concept in contextual advertising, here are some links to let you join in contextual advertising today!
9)Tribal Fusion
As far as I know, TribalFusion has very strict requirements that you must achieve in order to participate in their program. Think you're capable? Check it out then! Personally, I recommend Kontera as i use it.
Posted by
Wong Zhiwei
Protect Your Blog Rights
Don't want people copying images or content for your blog, but cannot find a way to protect your blog from these people? Have no fear, for CreativeCommons can solve your problem! There, you can create a free license widget that is certified to put on your blog! That way, people will know whether they can or cannot copy images/content from your blog.
Also, you may want to find out whether other people are copying your blog. To do so, go to Copyscape and type in your blog URL. Once you're done, you can see websites or blogs that may have copied your content exactly.
For a more detailed search, you can choose the premium options below the website. Protect your blog's/website's rights today!
Posted by
Wong Zhiwei
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